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Reporting from Sacramento – A proposal to legalize and tax marijuana in California was approved by a key committee of the Assembly on Tuesday, but it is not expected to get further consideration by the Legislature until next year.

Despite a procedural glitch, backers hailed the committee’s action as historic because it represented the first legislative approval of the proposal. 

“This vote marks the formal beginning of the end of marijuana prohibition in the United States,” predicted Stephen Gutwillig, California state director of the Drug Policy Alliance, a pot legalization group.

Read more about the bill here. It’s nice to see a few steps in the right direction.

As the historic Prop 8 trial takes place in a federal courthouse in San Francisco, another historic hearing will be going on in Sacramento tomorrow morning. The California Assembly’s Public Safety Committee will conduct a hearing and vote on A.B. 390, the Marijuana Control, Regulation, and Education Act, which is the legislation that would tax and regulate marijuana in a manner similar to alcohol.

Read the article at LAIst

With the debate on medical marijuana still at a full boil in Los Angeles, a judge Friday ordered the return of 60 pounds of pot to a man after his attorneys successfully argued that a state law gave him the right to transport it.

Saguro Doven, 33, was initially charged with possession of marijuana for sale and transportation of the drug, a violation of the state’s health and safety code.

Read the entire story here…

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