Drink this 9% goodness with some good weed!


Product: Old Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout

Brewery: North Coast Brewery – Fort Bragg, CA

ABV: 9%

Available at: Cost Plus World Market, BevMo

Cost: $6.99 – $8.99 for a 4 pack of bottles

Naming a beer after the great Russian mystic was ballsy, but Old Rasputin lives up to the name. The beer starts with a sweet, bitter taste, then begins to settle as the sips pile up. The finish is almost coffee-like, and the alcohol is heavy throughout.

Old Rasputin is a pot smokers’ beer. While so many of our brethren rely on kidney-killing cases of PBR to get sauced, two to three Rasputin’s typically do the trick. Finishing a four pack through the course of the night will leave you with a nice active drunk (as opposed to a heavy, pukey one).

We paired Old Rasputin with White Rhino at a party, and the results were outstanding. The high and drunk feelings didn’t compete and there were no spins. Functionality was at full strength (albeit with significantly impaired judgement) and we raged into the wee hours.

My man Wafflez shot me some pics of his home grown operation, somewhere in the Greater Los Angeles metro area. Check these pics out.


Pot plants love working on their tan
You could stick ornaments on this
Crystals and hairs form


Hangin’ around
The wall has grown a fungus…




The New Jersey state legislature has approved Medical Marijuana, making it the 14th state in the union to do so. Call all your  Jersey friends and tell them they don’t have to worry about snow days anymore!

Read more here…

As the historic Prop 8 trial takes place in a federal courthouse in San Francisco, another historic hearing will be going on in Sacramento tomorrow morning. The California Assembly’s Public Safety Committee will conduct a hearing and vote on A.B. 390, the Marijuana Control, Regulation, and Education Act, which is the legislation that would tax and regulate marijuana in a manner similar to alcohol.

Read the article at LAIst


Lighting up in Pan Pacific



Location: 7600 Beverly Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90036

Pan Pacific Park serves the Hancock Park, West Hollywood and Melrose districts of Los Angeles, making it one of the weed-friendliest public parks around (the Hasidic Jewish, gay and young adult communities are full of patients and recreational smokers alike). While there are families with children, finding a secluded smoking spot is typically no problem, and anyone catching a glimpse of your indulgence is more likely to look the other way and laugh than inform an authority.

Police make occasional rounds, but the park is mostly cop-free (the police do one final sweep around 11 PM). The neighborhood is very safe by Los Angeles standards, so don’t be afraid to take a night stroll and light up, and bask in the distinctive glow provided by the Grove next door.

A finished hit fades into air at Pan Pacific Park


Izze is a true cottonmouth killer


Product: Izze Sparkling Juice

Available at: Target, various restaurants

Cost: Varies, $1-$1.50 per can/bottle range

Izze is basically the greatest carbonated drink ever, made with a simple formula of fruit juice and sparkling water. One sip of Izze Clementine soda after a bowl of strong kush does the taste buds just right.

Keep away from your clean urine supply

With the debate on medical marijuana still at a full boil in Los Angeles, a judge Friday ordered the return of 60 pounds of pot to a man after his attorneys successfully argued that a state law gave him the right to transport it.

Saguro Doven, 33, was initially charged with possession of marijuana for sale and transportation of the drug, a violation of the state’s health and safety code.

Read the entire story here…

Come check out the webcast tonight! It goes from midnight PST (3 AM EST) to whenever they feel like stopping, Jam it at your home ragers and Stickam in! Tons of pot smoking!




Tasty white rhino buds have tons of orange hairs


High – a nice deep head high with a very happy trip. Blurred peripheral

Benefits – antidepressant, helps productivity, improves mood

Flavor – sweet orange flavor with a medium smoke.

Good for – cooking, walks, outdoor activities, sex, environments with alcohol, sporting events (TV or live)

Bad for – sitting around, non-engaging activities

White Rhino's orange hairs and sticky leafs

Thoughts from the staff

Gabriella – “I’m so high but… I’m powering through my grad school applications… weird.”

HL – “This is my new NFL playoffs weed. My mind begs for stimulation when I smoke White Rhino.”


Another White Rhino close-up



Dino's sign deceives customers, suggests burgers are the specialty item


MUNCHIE REVIEW – Dino’s Chicken and Burgers
Location: 2575 West Pico Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90006 (just east of Pico and Normandie).
Styles: American, Greek, Mexican
Bring about: $6


Dino’s presents the common stoner with one great challenge: ignore their menu full of delicious burgers, pastrami and sides. No matter what the menu says, Dino’s serves one item – the half chicken plate.

You can order it 100 ways – “half chicken,” “the plate,” “the one with the sauce” – the kitchen pretty much makes them non-stop. Dino’s employees haul armloads of styrofoam platters to the pickup window and move them off the line like school box lunches. At $5.50 a pop, they might as well be.

The plate consists of the following – one half chicken, one large serving of fries and two corn tortillas (which end up as one giant corn tortilla, combining in the heat of the box). The chicken and fries are smothered in Dino’s patented sauce, a thin, tangy marinade loaded with herbs and spices. The initial tang outburst makes your taste buds contract, then the spicy kick that follows expands them again. It’s a party for anyone with cottonmouth.

An ocean of chicken, potato, tang and spice awaits!


We don’t recommend smoking during a Dino’s grub session. If you have the urge, use a relatively flavorless bud like Super Gu so the combining tastes of pot and sauce don’t ruin your meal. We do recommend smoking before and after eating, but you might want to rinse your mouth.

Throw some chicken and fries into one of Dino's tortillas for a makeshift taco delight.


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